what is open source

The first post ProjectFlame.net is talking about Open Source. What is Open Source? Open source is software development methods that include source code, and permit such usage or any changes to the source code. So, open source is how the development / distribution software that allows anyone to obtain, modify, and redistribute the software.

Open Source software created by writing code, and change it in the form of machine language that makes the line code can be executed by a machine which then form the illusion in our brains about a working tool that we agree to call it virtual, software. Regardless of any language used by the coder, either C + +, Java, PHP, Perl, Pascal, BASIC, or even the Country, is a collection of software code in a structured algorithm.

Once written, the code (Open Source) should be changed to a binary form to be executed by a computer processor. Computers do not understand, comprehend, or even process information of any kind, except for two binary digits zero and one.
